Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog Challenge #1: Introducing yourself (What, you mean you don't already know enough about me?)


     I decided to join a Blog Challenge that I randomly came across tonight. I cannot even tell you how I found the challenge because it just seemed to drop into my lap. Since I fully believe that everything happens for a reason, I decided to just jump right in.  (If you are interested in joining in, the link to it is here: 7 Day Blogging Challenge.)

    I don't think I've ever actually introduced myself here. Initially writing a blog was for myself, not anyone else so I never thought I needed to. It was like a diary to me, just a place to put my thought barf. I guess if people are actually reading my posts, and thankfully, sharing them, I should get even more personal than I already have been and give a little introduction. 

     My name is Sheridan...well, actually it's Sheri. I go by Sheridan at work because it's on my official legal paperwork, my name tags, and my paychecks. My friends and family call me Sheri. If you've been told to call me Sheri, consider yourself a friend. If you haven't, don't take offense. Give it time. If you still choose to call me Sheridan even after I have told you to call me Sheri, that's okay too. I answer to either. I won't even flinch. 

     I grew up in Edmonds, Washington (north of Seattle), the youngest of six kids. Yes, six. I was an oops. Everything happens for a reason. You have me. Edmonds sits on the Puget Sound and is still the place I call "home." It's where my youth and best memories reside. I haven't lived there in about 28 years but it isn't because I don't want to. That place is expensive! If I could afford it, I'd be there. If you ever get a chance to visit, do it. It's really lovely. There is a great waterfront park, amazing restaurants, and even a ferry terminal. It's an artsy little town that boasts a yearly art's festival and even "Taste of Edmonds," a weekend party of music, beer, and of course, great food. Edmonds is even the residence of Rick Steves, a famous tour company owner. My first trip to Italy was on one of his tours. Great company and a really great experience. I recommend his tours. 

     I currently live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I moved down here almost 2 1/2 years ago to be near my children. My oldest moved to NY about two weeks after I moved here. Was it something I said? This has never been home to me. I am not "married" to this state. I like it here. I really do. It's really beautiful with the mountains and the sunshine, but it's not home. Winters are cold and summers are hot. I don't snow ski. I don't even like to be cold. There is no ocean, no palm trees. I constantly feel like I'm waiting for my next "assignment." Where do I move next? I'd love to move somewhere more year-round summer, like Florida or California. Where is my beach? Someone, please find me a beach. 

     I'm an artist, a writer, a photographer, a front desk clerk at a large international chain hotel, a painting/drawing instructor at a craft store, and a student. I could throw in therapist, police, comedienne, best friend, and mother, but I think those just come with being me. I dream of being a travel writer with a pinch of beach-front artist. My heart and brain are somewhere in Rome most of the time, waiting for the opportunity to return. I'm just waiting for the right moment...and the funds to do so. I'd be perfectly content living out of a suitcase if it meant I could experience the world in a plane, a train, a boat, or the back of a motorcycle. I see travel through childlike eyes, always in awe of the sights that I see. 

     I have been lucky enough to raise four amazing adults. My oldest son is 31 and has blessed me with a beautiful daughter-in-law and the cutest little grandson in existence (he's almost 2). My son and his family live in NY where he works for Blue Sky Studios, the creators of Ice Age, Rio, Rio2, Epic, etc. It's pretty wonderful to have a child that is in animation. Watching their name roll through the credits. His talent continues to amaze me. I don't think he quite understands the pride I feel when I see his drawings. He is living my dream: to get paid to create art. He and I have more of a friend relationship than a mother/child relationship for reasons I won't explain here. I treasure every moment that I can spend with him and his family since they live across country. My oldest is the man every mother dreams of raising. He's the perfect husband, father, and example of priesthood holder. I never have to worry about this one. He makes my life so simple. I love him for that. 

     My second son is 28 and also ridiculously talented. He draws art that compares to the comic book greats in DC comics. He prefers the dark characters like Batman and Joker and boasts tattoos on his legs that he designed himself. He knows everything there is to know about comic books, movies, books. He's the keeper of random comic book facts. He's my troubled son and I worry about him constantly. I had to learn to relinquish control with this one. He's a rebel. He's also one of the sweetest men I know. I lost contact with him when he was around 21 and now when I spend time with him, it's like getting to know someone I never gave birth to. I don't know him very well but I am definitely working on it. I'd do anything to ensure that he is happy the rest of his life but I understand that it is all up to him. 

     My only daughter is 23. She's a gorgeous, talented young woman who has been through way too much for someone her age. Even she says that she feels old. I don't know that I ever felt old. Heck, I don't even now. People would warn me as she was growing up that once she hit puberty she'd be a nightmare. I never had problems with this one. She was an angel growing up, even through puberty. I always said that Heavenly Father put her into my life because I needed sanity. When she was growing up, there was a lot going on in my life. I could count on her to be happy, loving, cheerful, helpful, and a wonderful listening ear. Even now, she is my best friend. Not to say that my boys aren't. She's a girl so she "gets" me. Having two older brothers and one younger brother, this girl was no girly-girl. She didn't wear dresses to school until she was a senior in high school. Now she's all girl and it's wonderful. She's in the process of figuring out her life. Ironically it coincides with me figuring out mine so we're learning from each other  Because of this we are growing up together. She lives up in Washington now so a five hour Skype conversation is not unheard of. She's a photographer and, just like her father, has the voice of an angel. 

     My youngest is 21. He's been with me through trial and tribulation and he's still here. He's moved with me from our home that we lived in until the divorce, to a three bedroom apartment in a nearby town, to a two bedroom apartment in another state, to a one bedroom apartment where he slept in the dining room, to finally our rental house in SLC. He has stood by my side through divorce and then abusive boyfriend. He's a talented bike builder, musician, and all around great kid. I got him a job where I work at the hotel but his personality kept it. He works hard and relaxes well. He's followed homeless people in search of stolen bikes, taken bike trips that left his mother gritting her teeth, delivered leftover bread in the park for the homeless, and made me laugh more often than not. I can honestly say that I would be lost without all of my children's support. They're beyond what I ever expected I would have had when I thought I wanted to be a mom. I have been truly blessed by all of them. 

     I started blogging about four years ago with some blurb about alone time when my (ex) husband went on a camping trip with my youngest. This blog was never supposed to be more than an electronic diary. Just a place to put down my thoughts. Someone I knew had started a blog about their family experiences and I thought it would be fun. When I went to Italy for the first time in 2012, it became the place to keep my memories of my trip.  Somewhere in the last year, even the last few months, it has exploded into a way for me to find myself, and now to help others who have the same thoughts and experiences as I do. I want to help my friends, my children, and anyone who might come across my words. I am here to make the world a little better place to be. If I help anyone along the way, I have done exactly what I set out to do. There is no real organization here. If I want to write about work one day and school the next, I'm going to. It's a place for me to clear my head. I see this as a place to put my thoughts, adventures, fears, experiences, musings, gripings, creativity, sarcasm, and love. If the universe picks it up and passes it along, perfect. I chose the title "Fearless Over Fifty" because I want others to understand that they can be fearless at any age. They can accomplish whatever they set out to do. They are limitless. There are no walls keeping us from being who we truly want to be. I see myself as limitless. I have wings to fly. I am fearless.



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